Pistorello Progetti extends its sphere of action to providing engineering services in the electric and thermal-technical system sector, as well as studying feasibility and carrying out inspections and testing for approval.

We offer ad hoc solutions in the civil, industrial, tertiary and public engineering fields such as schools, hospitals, infrastructures.
A careful technical analysis, the choice and the planning of the system provide the end user with an avant-garde product and service as regards reducing consumption, offering comfort and containing costs.
The various planning levels we cope with may be summarized as follows:
- Feasibility studies
- Preliminary planning
- Definite planning
- Executive planning
- Direction of the work
- Inspections and testing for approval and counselling
The various planning levels we cope with may be summarized as follows:
- Feasibility studies
- Preliminary planning
- Definite planning
- Executive planning
- Direction of work
- Inspections and testing for approval and counselling
- House climate
- Energetic certifications
- Fire prevention
The introduction of environmental protection laws, headed by the European Union, tends to award the more receptive and modern companies which want to go beyond obligations prescribed by law by applying International laws which specify the requirements for correct environmental management. Pistorello Progetti offers itself as tutor in the medium and long-term planning procedure, in the increase of managing skills, in staff training. It is an ideal partner in aiding companies in managing and improving safety, the environment, quality, organization and costs. We operate concretely and we customize, guaranteeing that you reach the objective you have aimed at.
La certificazione energetica degli edifici è una procedura di valutazione prevista dalle direttive europee 2002/91/CE e 2006/32/CE e, in Italia dal DL 19 agosto 2005, n. 192; la certificazione energetica di un’abitazione è, in pratica, una dichiarazione, rilasciata da un certificatore energetico accreditato, attestante il consumo energetico effettivo dell’edificio stesso e valida 10 anni.
La certificazione energetica è stata introdotta in Italia e in Europa per:
- Permettere ai consumatori la scelta della casa in base al consumo energetico;
- Incrementare la costruzione di case a basso consumo energetico;
- Sviluppare e rilanciare il settore edilizio, in particolare quello basato sulle nuove tecnologie di risparmio energetico;
- Sviluppare un sistema di professionisti, tecnici e addetti ai lavori con know how in campo energetico;
- Aumentare le riqualificazioni energetiche degli edifici esistenti (detrazioni 55% sull'Irpef), per migliorare la spesa energetica dell'intero Paese;
- Ridurre la dipendenza dal petrolio e altri idrocarburi;
- Migliorare l'ambiente dell’intero pianeta.
For years Pistorello Progetti has been paying special attention to the industrial world's needs. It offers an ad hoc service for implementing directive 94/9/CE (ATEX) for the regulation of equipment having the purpose of being employed in potentially explosive atmospheres. The directive entered in force on 1 March 1996 and it became mandatory on 1 July 2003 for all countries of the Union. It imposes the ATEX certification on all products marketed by the Union itself, wherever the products may have been manufactured and whatever the laws in the manufacturing site may be, if they are installed in potentially explosive atmospheres, with the exception of:
- Medical devices
- Equipment and systems intended to be used in sites where explosives are manufactured or stocked
- Equipment and systems on seagoing vessels or offshore in any case
- Means of transport (excluding those intended to be used in explosive atmospheres)
- Equipment intended for use in domestic environments
- Biogas systems
In Italy the directive entered into force with the decree of the President of the Republic dated 23/03/1998 no. 126. (Regulation containing provisions for implementing directive 94/9/CE on the matter of equipment and protective systems intended to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres).